Tutorial ESP8266 DS18B20 Temperature Node-RED MQTT (Mosquitto) IoT

This time the integration of ESP8266 and the Node-RED platform was realized integrating a sensor DS18B20 of Protocol of Temperature Onewire.

From an HMI or SCADA Web creator on Node-Red-Dashboard using the MQTT protocol and the pubsubclient library converting the ESP8266 into the MQTT Client will perform the sensor reading periodically.

Note: To successfully complete this tutorial you must perform the following tutorials.


Previous tutorials Recommended

Arduino IDE

The ESP8266 module has been configured as an MQTT client, as a publisher to the “temp / sensor” topic, the module performs the Onewire reading without intermediate libraries, sending almost instantaneously the temperature to be worried and visualized from Node-RED.



Mosquitto MQTT Broker

Previously it has been installed in a computer with lubuntu (Ubuntu) Linux, the server Broker MQTT which performs the management of messages in the network, Mosquitto has been used in this case.


A sequence of nodes has been created to send data from the Dashboard.

Video Tutorial ESP8266  Temperature DS18B20 (Onewire) MQTT Node-Red  IoT#6

 Install Node-RED


 Materials and Very cheap!!


Where to buy? and Very cheap!!


Github  Arduino IDE code ESP8266 MQTT
Github pubsubclient  Library 
Node Red  import code example


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