From the beginning of PDAControl we have carried out tests with the Emoncms platform, the Openenergymonitor project, initial tests with the esp8266-01 in 2014 have brought us to 2021 and the ESP32 module.

Using the Peacefair PZEM-016 meter add an ESP32 module and an RS485 converter module.

In this case, we will carry out a quick test of integration of an ESP32 modules as a modbus RTU RS485 master with a single-phase electricity consumption meter PZEM-016 and the measurement data will be recorded in the Emoncms platform.
Emoncms :

Video: Emoncms PZEM-016
Dashboard Publico
See dashboard in the following link:

Used materials
Module ESP32

PZEM-016 Meter Peacefair

XY-K485(RS485-TTL) Converter

Here are some recommended previous tutorials
For some years I was in mind to share my Emoncms version, if you want you can create a Free account , without any fees or plans, just try.
- I will not use your data or measurements, you are only free to experiment.
- We will not endorse or be responsible for your measurement data.
- Updating and sending data by http every 20 sec.
The emoncms in my case It does not use https , it should be noted, not to send data that requires Encryption through security https , in case they require full security use versions such as https : // .
It is personally gratifying to have my own IoT platform under my management.
This was really a quick test on Arduino IDE, I hope to share a professional version on ESP-IDF.
The code is still in test, as soon as this full I will share it, thanks for waiting!!