In this tutorial we will install OpenWrt a Linux based firmware / operating system, specifically created for personal routers.
We will install OpenWrt on a Raspberry Pi 3 B + and turn it into a Wifi Ethernet bridge router.

Mount OpenWrt on microSD card
Win32 Disk Imager in case of being a Windows user. This software allows you to convert or mount an .img image to a USB memory or SD and CF cards.
The dd (Dataset Definition) command is a simple tool, it allows managing partitions and disks, this case applies to Linux users (Ubuntu / Debian), with this utility we will mount the image on the microSD, a command similar to the following, in my case:
sudo dd if=/home/terminal/rp/openwrt-18.06.5-brcm2708-bcm2710-rpi-3-squashfs-sysupgrade.img of=/dev/mmcblk0

This implementation will be useful to connect devices that are Ethernet (only wired) to a Wifi network just adding a RPi.
In my case I have a LOGO! by Siemens

Materials and Where to Buy Them
- Raspberry Pi 3 B+
- Manual Wifi to Ethernet bridge based on RPI 3 B+ and OpenWrt.pdf (Download at the end of the article)
- Image OpenWrt para RPi 3 B+
- PC with Ethernet Port
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Video Tutorial Completo
Recommended: Watch video, the configuration process will be carried out step by step.
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This implementation is very useful so that devices that only have a wired Ethernet connection can connect through a Wi-Fi network.
Clearly, we must consider that the Raspberry Pi will work as an access point in station mode (Bridge), so it will only work this way.
In our next tutorial we will carry out the complete test of the bridge in operation, with another device that is not a PC.
In my case I have 2 devices that do not have Wifi, only Ethernet connection:
LOGO! 12/24 Siemens
PowerPDU 4C Netio
Manual Wifi to Ethernet bridge based on RPI 3 B + and OpenWrt.pdf