Introduction Platform IoT Cayenne mydevices & ESP8266

This time the test is performed on the well-known Cayenne platform. What is Cayenne? It is a solution for building IoT applications based on platforms known as Arduino, Raspberry pi, ESP8266 and Serial devices, Wi-Fi, Lora devices, also includes a Mqtt API to connect any MQTT client which to use in this case, in This…

Introduction IoT Platform

This time the test will be carried out to the platform. What is Is a solution for building IoT applications based on platforms known as Arduino, Raspberry pi, ESP8266 and devices, Serial and Wifi in this tutorial will explain the following: 1- Create a Starter account in Official page: This tutorial…

Testing Industrial Platform Groov and ESP8266 NodeMCU

This time we will test the Groov platform, but what is groov? Is a solution (IIoT) created by Opto22 for the visualization, control and monitoring of industrial equipment from pc, mobile devices, tablets, smartphones and smart tv. It supports SNAP PAC controllers, Modbus TCP / IP devices and other PLC controllers from other brands such…