Download Lubuntu Virtual Machine (PDAControlMV) IoT in VirtualBox # 1

Virtualization is one of the most used methods to facilitate the compatibility of Software or simply the test of other Operating Systems, technically it is an operating system within another. I have tried for a long time Oracle VirtualBox is one of the most used virtualization software for x86 / amd64 architectures allowing virtualization. FreeBSD…

Installation of Raspbian OS in Virtual Machine (Virtualbox)

For some years I was in doubt if I could run Raspbian OS, operating system for Raspberry Pi, on a normal computer. Five years ago there was an option using QEMU, it was the only method to run an operating system designed for ARM processors, at that time my attempts were unsuccessful. Currently on the…

Arduino IDE for ESP32 modules

Given the great popularity of the ESP8266 programmed from Arduino IDE in great contribution by Ivan Grokhotkov thanks, Currently for ESP32 modules has been allowed to program them from Arduino IDE in collaboration with espressif, Although it is a project under construction so far the control of certain hardware is in the process of migration. Currently…

Install lubuntu (Ubuntu) from Scratch

I decided to create my desktop a virtual machine in VirtualBox with Lubuntu (Linux) combination LXDE and Ubuntu, the purpose of this virtual machine is testing the Platform IoT Node-Red Interconnect devices like Arduino and ESP8266 among others . Official Pages & VirtualBox is installed on Windows, download the latest version of lubuntu…