Review Solar Panel 10W with Arduino and Node-RED

For a long time I had planned to make some application with photovoltaic panel or common solar panel, in this opportunity I have acquired a monocrystalline solar panel of 10w perfect to power the devices we use in our tutorials.

Although this is in design, we will perform a meterological stationGateway later, and this panel a set of batteries and a constant load circuit will feed our module ESP8266 or ESP32.

We will make a quick review …

Since there is a lot of documentation in the network about solar panels, I will not emphasize on the subject, we will do a quick test.

Solar Panel: Source wikipedia

Photovoltaics: Source wikipedia


This solar panel according to its characteristics guarantees 10 Watts.

Maximum Voltage: 18 V

Maximum Current: 0.5A = 500 mA

Cost in my country Colombia is 40,000 COP = 13.5 USD aprox, I consider it a very favorable price, although it also influences that these technologies are increasingly more accessible, that they think, comment.


Very cheaps!!!


Rapid Test

We have performed a basic measurement test, and we have also added the Voltage measurement with an Arduino MEGA 2560 R3 board and visualization and data collection with Node-RED and Node-RED Dashboard.

Complete Tutorial: Measurement of DC Voltage with Arduino and visualization in Node-RED.

Video Review Panel Solar 10W  con Arduino & Node-RED

View from Node-RED Dashboard

Measuring DC Voltage with Arduino and Node-RED

Node-RED Dashboard



Outdoor Measurement

At sun of 10:30am the maximum value of the solar panel is 21v, although the characteristics indicate and guarantee 18v Max, without connected load it is normal that it generates 21v.



Node-Red Tutorials

Installation Node red Platform


Solar Panel Monitoring from Emoncms(Realtime)

Watch Dashboard Complete from  Emoncms  here

Graph RealTime:

Comparative Voltage Graph Battery 6V VS Solar Panel

Dashboards Emoncms


I consider that the primordial thing of a solar panel is how much voltage it can generate in days of high cloudiness, that is to say there are some panels that only generate Voltage with the sun at all full.

In this case, this panel, regardless of the characteristics of the day, is efficient, depending on the configuration required.

For 13.5 dollars I consider a good investment, relation cost wattage.

Additionally, a measurement application with Arduino MEGA 2560 R3  has been used to make it more interesting and not only to use a tester.




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