Introduction Platform Mongoose OS

For a long time I wanted to test Mongoose OS, this time we will make a brief introduction and installation in a Linux operating system “lubuntu” Ubuntu/Debian.

Mongoose OS is an open source operating system for Internet of Things (IoT) and low power microcontrollers such as ESP32 , ESP8266 , TI CC3200STM32  license Available under dual GPLv2 / business licensing scheme.

Wikipedia: Mongoose OS

 Oficial Website: Mongoose OS

Boards ESP8266 12E & ESP32





In summary

In the few tests I have done such as http and https connections are created quickly and easily.

You can create projects in mJS language “Javascript” or C , has a web interface like IDE or from command terminal.

Another interesting feature of Mongoose OS are integrations Cloud Computing platforms available to create applications and connection to:

Installing Mongoose OS

  1. In this opportunity I will start how to install it in Lubuntu an operative system based on Lubuntu.

          Oficial Website : Mongoose/downloads


Video Tutorial: Installation


I have done tests with ESP8266, loading firmware with some of the available RTOS SDK espressifEclipse IDE ESP8266 SDK y FreeRTOS SDK but Mongoose OS greatly reduces the download and code modification time resulting in very efficient.

Fully agree with Mongoose OS to indicate that mJS “Javascript” use it mainly for prototyping “programming in Javascript is very agile and practical for tests” and for production applications or final applications to implement them in C / C ++.

Well I think this kind of IDE environments is a good initiative, later we will test and select the successes, advantages, disadvantages and I value the great effort of the Mongoose OS community and developers.

Other programming options, in the case of ESP8266 we will continue with Arduino ide maybe we try the Official SDK, in the case of ESP32 we will test the platforms:


Recommended tutorial: ESP-IDF for ESP32 Modules Complete Installation

There is another method available to program ESP32, using ESP-IDF or Espressif IoT Development Framework



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