Opto 22 is a manufacturing company specializing in hardware and software for industrial automation, remote monitoring, and data acquisition. The company is headquartered in Southern California and is well known in the industry automation and control of its history of innovation in the development of Ethernet relay output status and input / based systems and Controllers.
From Wikipedia Opto22.
Official page Opto22.com .
This tutorial will tell you how to download and install the software PAC Project basic for creating HMI scada design and configuration generally based strategies controllers Opto22, then we will make integrations with Arduino and ESP8266 Software Opto22 .. Get ready !!.

PAC Project Basic
This software package is mainly divided into 3:
PAC Control Basic
Entrono building control strategy using 2 programming languages, traditional flowchart and similar or derived language c optoscript, also allows the creation and configuration of PID control loops, the main routines are chart or charts and allows creation Subroutines.
PAC Display Configurator
Creation Environment SCADA or HMI interaction is configured with drivers using a simbol Factory or libraries industrial simbologia (pushbuttons, actuators, pipes, pumps etc), it allows the creation of graphics and trend setting animations shift change colors etc. .
PAC Display Runtime
This application publishes and runs in real time on our HMI or Scada.
PAC Manager
Software maintenance visualuzacion of variables and more specific settings for Opto 22 controllers.
PAC Sim – simulator Opto22
Opto 22 has a equvalente simulator to have a driver Opto22 one that runs on your PC and have a time of testing and operation since it is a simulator, but in their version PAC Project Professional has SoftPac which if a controller in Software.
Video of downloading and installing PAC Project + Simulator PAC Sim on Windows
PAC Display Runtime visualization
With this strategy Arduino can be integrated via Modbus TCP and IP ESP8266 ..
Other tests on software and Controllers Opto 22
A look at Opto 22 controllers
Future Integrations With Arduino and ESP8266 via Modbus TCP IP