One of the most named technologies to be implemented for the Internet of Things, which has very striking features long distance communication and low power reflected in its low consumption, LoRa “Lo ng – Ra nge”, this type of modulation has been become very popular in data sending and receiving projects, there are some libraries…
Tag: esp8266
ESP8266 IRCControl from Internet IoT v1.0 Part 1
How many times have we not looked for a simple way to communicate with our devices through the Internet without complications and / or complex intermediary applications, DNS, IP addresses or VPN’s. Many times I have been asked how to turn on a led, relay or view a temperature from the Internet in an easy…
Meter PZEM-004 + ESP8266 & Platform IoT Blynk App
In this opportunity we will integrate our active power meter or electric consumption, Peacefair Pzem-004 with the IoT Blynk app platform available in Android & iOS apps stores using an ESP8266 module, later we will create a dashboard to visualize the 4 available variables as active power, accumulated electrical consumption, voltage and current. …
Meter PZEM-004 + ESP8266 & Platform IoT Cayenne Mydevices
In this opportunity we will integrate our electric consumption or active power meter , Pzem-004 of Peacefair with the IoT Cayenne mydevices platform using an ESP8266 module, later we will create a dashboard to visualize the 4 available variables such as active power, accumulated electric consumption, voltage and current. Previous Tutorials Recommended Introduction IoT Platform Cayenne mydevices…
How to find IP addresses of Ethernet devices?
In this opportunity we will address a problem that has happened to us when we need to obtain the IP address of an Ethernet device, it can be a PC, Smartphone, PLC in our case it can be an Arduino with shield ethernet, ESP8266 or ESP32. If we do not have the possibility to see or know…
Tutorial Platform IoT Ubidots & ESP8266 + Sensor DHT11
This time we have tested the platform Ubidots, is an IoT platform dedicated to the collection and display of data, creating colorful graphics. For our test we will use the Module ESP8266 and a DHT11 sensor to measure the temperature / relative humidity and later visualize it. Official Website: Ubidots Update Ubidots Libraries V3.0.0 for…
Introduction Platform Mongoose OS
For a long time I wanted to test Mongoose OS, this time we will make a brief introduction and installation in a Linux operating system “lubuntu” Ubuntu/Debian. Mongoose OS is an open source operating system for Internet of Things (IoT) and low power microcontrollers such as ESP32 , ESP8266 , TI CC3200, STM32 license Available under dual GPLv2 / business…
10 Professional PCBs for $ 2 with JLCPCB – ESPMonitor Prototypes
For a long time we have made our tests in protoboard, I think we already have a lot of tests that deserve a prototype for more robust applications, decided to take up the electronic design and I have found JLCPCB to provide a PCB manufacturing service at a price that very reasonable. Based on some…
WifiManager + Emoncms (OEM) with ESP8266 (Temperature) #1
The following implementation using an ESP8266 module and a temperature sensor ds18b20 allows the configuration and sending of data to Emoncms without requiring to modify or edit a line of code, facilitating the creation of parameterizable applications. After testing the Wifimanager libraries, which allow an agile configuration of the network credentials and additionally allow to…
Introduction library WifiManager
The main disadvantage is to configure the network credentials in a esp8266 without requiring to modify and download the firmware again, I have tested with several methods to dynamically store the SSID and PASSWORD of a network. In the case of the esp8266 programmed in Arduino IDE for some time I have seen a proposal…