Communication LoRa ESP8266 & Radio RFM95 #1

One of the most named technologies to be implemented for the Internet of Things, which has very striking features long distance communication and low power reflected in its low consumption, LoRa “Lo ng – Ra nge”, this type of modulation has been become very popular in data sending and receiving projects, there are some libraries…

ESP8266 IRCControl from Internet IoT v1.0 Part 1

How many times have we not looked for a simple way to communicate with our devices through the Internet without complications and / or complex intermediary applications, DNS, IP addresses or VPN’s. Many times I have been asked how to turn on a led, relay or view a temperature from the Internet in an easy…

Meter PZEM-004 + ESP8266 & Platform IoT Blynk App

In this opportunity we will integrate our active power meter or electric consumption, Peacefair Pzem-004 with the IoT Blynk app platform available in Android & iOS apps stores using an ESP8266 module, later we will create a dashboard to visualize the 4 available variables as active power, accumulated electrical consumption, voltage and current.    …

Introduction LoRa & Module RFM95 Hoperf

In this opportunity we will make a brief characterization about LoRa ™ and specifically Radio RFM95/96 manufactured by Hoperf Electronics. Since a couple of months ago, 2 modules arrived, initially I want to make an introduction on the subject that had been pending for a long time. Website: Hoperf Electronics Personally for a long time I…

Installation KiCad in Ubuntu and Windows

In certain projects we need to go from a schematic diagram to the manufacture of a PCB, there are a variety of platforms and Software for this task, for some time I have decided to adopt free software, in this opportunity I present KiCad. Oficial Website: KiCad Downloads: KiCad I have found this comparative table to…

Meter PZEM-004 + ESP8266 & Platform IoT Cayenne Mydevices

In this opportunity we will integrate our electric consumption or  active power meter , Pzem-004 of  Peacefair  with the IoT Cayenne mydevices platform using an ESP8266 module, later we will create a dashboard to visualize the 4 available variables such as active power, accumulated electric consumption, voltage and current. Previous Tutorials Recommended Introduction IoT Platform Cayenne mydevices…

Electricity consumption meter Peacefair PZEM 004 + ESP8266 & Arduino Nano

For some time I wanted to buy a single-phase electricity consumption meter, a few months ago I got Peacefair Reference PZEM-004 meter, its price seemed affordable, it has the advantages of being a non-invasive meter in the electrical circuit and has a communication protocol to request data such as Active Instantaneous Power “kW”, Voltage “V”,…

Electric Consumption with Meter CHINT (pulses) + ESP8266 & Matrix led MAX7912

This time we will return to an interesting project, the measurement of electrical consumption in an invasive way with a CHINT DDS666 Meter Mono phase, technically it is a residential or residential meter that we have already presented in previous tutorials, finally I will finish what I started more than a year: Warning: Caution is…

Review Solar Panel 10W with Arduino and Node-RED

For a long time I had planned to make some application with photovoltaic panel or common solar panel, in this opportunity I have acquired a monocrystalline solar panel of 10w perfect to power the devices we use in our tutorials. Although this is in design, we will perform a meterological station – Gateway later, and…