Review Module ESP32 TTGO T-Display 1.14 “

This time we will test the module ESP32 TTGO T-Display 1.14 Inch , which has a IPS screen ST7789V 1.14 “ a resolution of 135X240 per protocol SPI , this module It has a USB type C for programming. We will carry out 2 tests: Test and configuration in Arduino IDE Test and configuration in…

Program ESP32 in Arduino IDE PDAControlMV # 4

One of the applications installed in the Virtual Machine (VirtualBox) PDAControlMV based on Linux Lubuntu 20.04 LTS is Arduino IDE. How to download and Install PDAControlMV Arduino IDE Perhaps it is the most known and used programming IDE, it is also available in our virtual machine PDAControlMV. Materials and where to buy them Buy it…

Download Lubuntu Virtual Machine (PDAControlMV) IoT in VirtualBox # 1

Virtualization is one of the most used methods to facilitate the compatibility of Software or simply the test of other Operating Systems, technically it is an operating system within another. I have tried for a long time Oracle VirtualBox is one of the most used virtualization software for x86 / amd64 architectures allowing virtualization. FreeBSD…

Introduction to mDash platform for administration of IoT Devices

On this occasion I present the platform or an administration service for IoT devices called mDash, belonging to Cesanta, the creators of the IoT Mongoose Os development firmware. mDash allows firmware updates OTA (over-the-air) and remote administration, alerts and notifications, remote device control, file management with devices, all these features are for Espressif’s modules ESP32…

Meter PZEM-004 + Arduino Nano Modbus RTU (RS232) & Platform IoT Node-RED

Originally this test is performed in June 2018 in less than one year, for reasons of availability do not publish, technically just missing the documentation, then I will present the results, well they say there is better late than never. In this opportunity our PZEM-004 meter or it is also possible with our PZEM-004T communication…

Review Module Wemos TTGO ESP32 + OLED V2.0 + DHT11

I present a TTGO ESP32 module, this device has caught my attention since it is very complete, I ordered one to the online store for testing, the interesting thing is the union of the well known ESP32 module, DHT11 Sensor (Temperature / Relative Humidity ), 0.96 inch white OLED display, charging circuit for Lithium…

Meter PZEM-004T with Arduino ESP32 ESP8266 Python & Raspberry Pi

In this opportunity we will collect tests with my new electric consumption meter PZEM-004T, making integrations with some of the most known hardware platforms ESP8266, Arduino Nano, ESP32, Arduino UNO + Shield Ethernet W5100 and Python in Raspberry Pi. For a long time I wanted to try the PZEM-004T of Peacefair, I bought my meter…

Arduino IDE for ESP32 modules

Given the great popularity of the ESP8266 programmed from Arduino IDE in great contribution by Ivan Grokhotkov thanks, Currently for ESP32 modules has been allowed to program them from Arduino IDE in collaboration with espressif, Although it is a project under construction so far the control of certain hardware is in the process of migration. Currently…

Installation Arduino IDE & Boards ESP8266 in Lubuntu

To avoid losing synergy in our tests in Arduino IDE, this time we will install Arduino IDE in our new operating system lubuntu “linux” and we will configure the boards to program the ESP8266. Installation Arduino IDE, Haste the current version 1.8.3. Installation of Boards libraries and examples for ESP8266. Tutorial Recommended: Full migration to…