Gateway RAK833 SPI/USB Raspberry Pi Connection with TTN LoRaWAN # 6

Up to this point we already have our LoRaWAN gateway ready, we just need to connect it to a LoRaWAN Server, one of the most used in recent years is The Thing Network, we will add a new gateway. We will connect our multichannel gateway with RAK833 SPI / USB to The Thing Network platform….

Introduction to Kite for Python Programmers

Python has become one of the most used programming languages, being very powerful, simple and easy to use, it runs on the vast majority of platforms and operating systems, in my opinion it is perfect for fast and very robust development. For a long time I tried to learn many programming languages until I found…

Review Module ESP8266 with 4 Relay & Node-RED from

I have seen a large number of applications of ESP8266 modules controlled loads using Reles, it would take time to really design from scratch, so thanks to I have received an ESP8266 module with 4 outputs to Relay. ESP8266 WIFI 4-Channel Relay   ESP8266-01 and N76E003AT20 It uses an ESP8266-01 module additionally uses…

Install drivers and (UDP Packet Forwarder) Raspberry Pi with Gateway RAK833 Version USB / SPI LoRaWAN # 5

In previous tutorials we reviewed our Gateway using the RAK833, the Radio module created by RAKWireless, adding a Raspberry Pi we can create a professional and functional gateway for our LoRaWAN implementations. Important: This tutorial is only focused on the RAK833 that have USB and SPI communication, for the SPI version another driver and another…

Review HELTEC Module (WIFI LoRa 32) 915-868Mhz for LoRaWAN #4

I have been collecting information about functional nodes for basic LoRaWAN tests for a while. This time I present the HELTEC LoRa 32 v1 Wifi module, it collects several interesting functions in IoT applications. This node is the integration of an ESP32 and a LoRa Chip SX1276 (868-915Mhz) 0.96 inch Oled screen, usb-serial converter CP2102….

Update Ubidots Libraries V3.0.0 for ESP8266 modules

We have carried out a large number of integrations and tests with the Ubidots IoT platform, mainly with Espressif ESP8266 Modules. Ubidots platform IoT Create Account in In this new tutorial we will test the new version of the Ubidots library for ESP8266 V3.0.0. ESP8266 integrations with Ubidots I will list some of our…

Review Module RAK811 LoRa Node AT-Commands LoRaWAN # 3

Some time ago, in previous tutorials we have already determined some factors to choose the appropriate gateway (gateway LoRaWAN) for your LoRaWAN application, this tutorial was created gathering considerations before starting, with considerations scopes and concepts about LoRaWAN. Based on these considerations, a robust, powerful and functional gateway or gateway has been assembled according to…

Making Motherboard, Rapid Prototyping with

A colleague has designed a rapid prototyping system, mixing practicality with robustness in the assembly of DIY projects, integrating assembly of ESP32 modules, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Lora I / O ADC, sensors and relays among other peripherals for external assembly. Initially, pcb’s were created in an artisanal way for tests, after tests it has been…