Introduction Platform IoT Cayenne mydevices & ESP8266

Cayenne PDAControl MQTT esp8266 nODE mcu LOra

This time the test is performed on the well-known Cayenne platform.

What is Cayenne? It is a solution for building IoT applications based on platforms known as Arduino, Raspberry pi, ESP8266 and Serial devices, Wi-Fi, Lora devices, also includes a Mqtt API to connect any MQTT client which to use in this case, in This tutorial will explain the following:

This tutorial will take a tour of the Cayenne platform.

1- Create a Starter account in cayenne

2-Download libraries and examples

3- Modifying Arduino IDE Examples

Official website : cayenne mydevices

cayenne PDAControl MQTT esp8266 nODE mcu LOra


Tutorial Platform IoT Cayenne my devices and ESP8266  Part 1/2 

Tutorial Read LDR and Turn on a led from Cayenne

In this case you use a module ESP8266 NodeMCU:

1-We will control GPIO 04  (Led) in this case should make changes to the default example.

2-We will read the ADC 0 (LDR).

Arduino IDE

During tests it is denoted that cayenne allows to send values and the dashboard allows to preview the value and it facilitates when adding the associated widgets to that value.

For the control of the Led in Arduino IDE, the function log of cayenne by default is configured, which technically listens to the parameters of any channel that sends data from Cayenne to the ESP, in this case the widget button.

It takes the value of the channel assigned to the button and that value goes from String to int to activate the GPIO 04.

Full Downloads Bottom …

cayenne PDAControl MQTT esp8266 nODE mcu LOra

Dashboard Cayenne Mydevices

Note: The ESP8266 module must be connected to cayenne in order to create and display the dashboards.

cayenne PDAControl MQTT esp8266 nODE mcu LOra


cayenne PDAControl MQTT esp8266 nODE mcu LOra

Part 2 Full Test

In this videotutorial the following will be done:

1-Download Arduino IDE

2-Configuration and creation of Widgets

Tutorial Platform IoT Cayenne my devices and ESP8266  Part 2/2


Pinout ESP8266 12E NodeMCU

ESP8266 PDAControl NodeMCU

ESP8266 PDAControl NodeMCU


ESP8266 12E NodeMCU (Lolin)

1 LDR (Photoresistance)

2 Resistors of 1.5K

1 Resistors of 10K

1 Diode led

1 Diode 1N4001


Note: In this case the LDR for safety never exceeds 500mV to avoid damaging the ADC0.

  • Resistors are Precision.

ESP8266 PDAControl NodeMCU


ESP8266 PDAControl

Downloads GiHub – Arduino IDE

Cayenne Example ESP8266 NodeMCU

Cayenne Library


cayenne mydevices

Introduction IoT Platform

Testing Industrial Platform Groov and ESP8266 NodeMCU

Installation Mosquitto Broker MQTT in lubuntu (Ubuntu) Linux

Internet Of Things (IoT) Using NiceRf LoRa1276

Youtube Channel


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