Review LHT65N LoraWAN Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor (Dragino)

As a programmer focused on IoT solutions that require low power consumption and long-range communication, the Dragino LHT65N stands out as an ideal choice. This device is specifically designed for temperature and humidity monitoring using LoRaWAN networks, making it a versatile tool for automation projects in industrial, agricultural, or even urban settings. With robust features,…

Review Gateway RAK2245 Pi HAT Ver. B (Multichannel) LoRAWAN # 6

Continuing our LoRaWAN tests, a few months ago the materials arrived to assemble my new gateway using the RAK2245 Pi HAT Module for Raspberry Pi. In previous tutorials we used the RAK833 USB / SPI. This time we will review our new RAK2245 Pi HAT module. Features Compatible with Raspberry Pi 3 Model B +…

Review Module RAK811 LoRa Node AT-Commands LoRaWAN # 3

Some time ago, in previous tutorials we have already determined some factors to choose the appropriate gateway (gateway LoRaWAN) for your LoRaWAN application, this tutorial was created gathering considerations before starting, with considerations scopes and concepts about LoRaWAN. Based on these considerations, a robust, powerful and functional gateway or gateway has been assembled according to…

Review Gateway Concentrator RAK833 SPI/USB mPCIe (Multichannel) LoRaWAN # 2

In previous tutorials we have already determined some factors to choose the appropriate (gateway LoRaWAN) for your LoRaWAN application, there are many hardware solutions available, but I have chosen the RAK833-SPI / USB from RAKwireless, a LoRaWAN hub module that It allows to create a multichannel gateway, I consider it the cost-effective option in relation…

Getting started, considerations and concepts LoRaWAN # 1

PDAControl has proposed to carry out tests and documentation to allow you to create your own LoRaWAN network and not fail in the attempt, before starting tests we want to analyze and make some clarifications, on basic concepts that we must take into account before starting to connect and program. In this tutorial we do…

10 Professional PCBs for $ 2 with JLCPCB – Ard-LoRa Prototypes

In my last tests I have used platforms like ESP8266 implementing LoRa modulation and in some applications with LoRaWAN, in this opportunity I will use the Arduino platform and I will manufacture a prototype I have contacted again to JLCPCB that they offer a PCB manufacturing service at a very reasonable price. In this opportunity I will use…

Gateway LoRaWan ESP8266 & RFM95 (ESP-LoRa) 915mHz single channel with The Things Network

For a few weeks I have tested with LoRa technology, we have also heard about LoRaWAN, some time later we created an account on the TTN Platform or “The Things Network”, applied especially to these LP-WAN networks, for this new tutorial we will create a gateway LoRaWAN using an ESP8266 module and a Radio Modem RFM95/95W at…

10 PCB’s Professionals with Seeed Studio Fusion – ESP-LoRa Prototypes

A few days ago I finished tests on my breadboard, being positive I decided to migrate my project to a pcb not only for functionality and practicality, but also for aesthetics, I have chosen the PCB manufacturer company, we all know it as a manufacturer of hardware and IoT solutions , but they also have…

Introduction and Create account in Platform The Things Network IoT LoRaWAN

In this opportunity we will create an account in the platform The Things Network and we will make a brief introduction, TTN a good initiative to build a network for the internet of things or “IoT”. The Things Network has implemented the LoRaWAN technology, which has 3 important characteristics LoRaWAN is technically a standard protocol…