I guess all we have connected a sensor to the Arduino, Raspberry pi and/or ESP8266 or another platform we wanted to see our sensors and bugs from the internet presented a possible solution. We will focus on 2 themes Emoncms OpenEnergyMonitor and hosting in the Cloud.
Source: Wikipedia
About 3 years ago I found the Emoncms platform (Openenergymonitor) an open source project that has created a community, since then I have done a lot of testing.
References: Platform Tests Emoncms.
This platform is called OpenEnergyMonitor OEM, it is hardware monitoring design using platforms and open source applications (Arduino RPI ESP8266 Python nodejs Node-RED etc), Its Emoncms web interface initially its base is the display of electrical consumption (Mains, Solar Panels ), Visualization of temperature sensors, relative humidity, pressure among other variables, control routines have been created for On-Off systems.
Website: OpenEnergyMonitor
The sending and request data to this platform is via JSON VIA – url although it also has an MQTT client in php, which I have not yet configured or tested. I have sent and received data to Emoncms from ESP8266, Python (Windows-Linux-MAC-Raspberry pi), and php Javascript Node-RED with no complications.
This platform we consider versatile since it is of easy installation, although it requires to have basic knowledge of mysql and php, we have tried in Raspberry pi, Windows 7, Windows 10, Lubuntu Linux and hosting. This project has advanced to the point of having repositories in docker and versions for servers, in my case use the basic version.

Emoncms in Hosting
Some years ago we did some tests in a free hosting (Hostinger) emoncms only requires mysql and an “apache” webserver with certain configurations to receive Json.
A few years ago but being free failed very easy and very little bandwidth prevented sending data frequently but worked emoncms.
On this occasion I have acquired a domain and a hosting or personal hosting with arvixe and I have set up Emoncms and made the required configurations.
In most cases we mount the platform on a local server, but in this case I want to see and control from the Internet, we have done tests with many platforms IoT that works perfect no doubt. But I guess we all want our own platform.
Then we will take a walk in my hosting in Arvixe, in its CPANEL contains unlimited number of MySQL Database and Postgres, an FTP file server which contains Emoncms Files (HTML, php, javascript).
Quick View Emoncms in Hosting arvixe IoT OpenSource
Let’s talk about hosting
Note: Arvixe is one of many companies that offer services of Domain + Hosting + Mail Server among other features, there are other Goodaddy, Hostingator, justHost among many, in my case a friend that I had already tried Arvixe has recommended me for web hosting And so far I have found it good.
If you have had an inconvenience with Arvixe or other hosting I invite you to comment or indicate your experiences.
You must be very careful in the selection of Hosting since some are very named and may not be very good, in this case is an experiment, given that my hosting is personal and possibly not designed for the overwhelming work of receiving data and send From several devices but will document my progress and tests.
Note: When including Emoncms I must perform exhaustive tests of bandwidth consumption of the hosting, create an interval (time) of sending data that does not saturate the hosting.
Some previous tests ..
These ancient though tests were performed at Emoncms in Lubuntu, Windows and Raspberrry pi, architecture has not changed.
References:Platform Tests Emoncms.
Emoncms OEM Turn On led ESP8266
Connection PLC Panasonic FPX + Raspberry Pi + Open Energy Monitor (OEM) + Python 2.7
Monitoring ESP8266 + Arduino + Emoncms + Volt Batt 6.1v + 2 Mini Solar Panel + Temperature
Test ESP8266 and DS18B20 (Temperature) OneWire to Emomcms
Last conclusions
OpenEnergyMonitor was born as an initiative to raise awareness about energy consumption reflected in $$$ and encourage the use of renewable and clean energy (Solar, Eolica, etc.).
Although Emoncms has a server available Emoncms.org I thought to mount my own version of Emoncms that has the following:
- Server and platform visible from the Internet
- Complete backup platform management
- Updates, modifications and improvements of the Platform, of course sharing improvements remember is a community …
- A differences from current IoT platforms that are excellent but have restrictions on the ability of sensors or devices to be reflected in their price.
Although it should analyze more in detail the pros and cons of paying an IoT platform or mount one in my case.
- The main one in the case of mounting it in a hosting in my case personal version is not to abuse the sending of data since my hosting is simple clear there is a better version but $$$$ in this case I will be very careful.
I guess this is the solution that many we want to have our sensors and view them in network without restrictions.