Tutorial ESP8266 DS18B20 Temperature Node-RED MQTT (Mosquitto) IoT

This time the integration of ESP8266 and the Node-RED platform was realized integrating a sensor DS18B20 of Protocol of Temperature Onewire. From an HMI or SCADA Web creator on Node-Red-Dashboard using the MQTT protocol and the pubsubclient library converting the ESP8266 into the MQTT Client will perform the sensor reading periodically. Video Test ESP8266  Temperature DS18B20…

Tutorial ESP8266 Control Servo Node-RED MQTT (Mosquitto) IoT #2

This time the integration of ESP8266 and the Node-RED platform has been made integrating an actuator in this case a servo controlled by PWM with rotation from 0 to 180 degrees. From an HMI or SCADA Web creator on Node-Red-Dashboard using as base the MQTT Protocol and pubsubclient library converting the ESP8266 into MQTT Client….

Review PLC Simatic S7-1200 CPU 1212C Siemens

It is really exciting to have a Siemens PLC, for a long time we have carried out tests on some Industrial controllers, in this case we have a Siemens PLC, one of the most recognized at the level of Industrial automation.   In this case I have a Siemens S7 – 1200 PLC available: Reference:…

Review Module ESP32 TTGO T-Display 1.14 “

This time we will test the module ESP32 TTGO T-Display 1.14 Inch , which has a IPS screen ST7789V 1.14 “ a resolution of 135X240 per protocol SPI , this module It has a USB type C for programming. We will carry out 2 tests: Test and configuration in Arduino IDE Test and configuration in…

Install Dataplicity on Raspberry Pi (Without Desktop)

This time I will share an application with great utility in our IoT projects. Dataplicity Dataplicity allows you to monitor, manage and repair your devices even when they move between cellular, satellite and fixed networks outside of your control. How does it work Dataplicity uses a secure HTTPS connection initiated by the client and opportunistically…

Download Lubuntu Virtual Machine (PDAControlMV) IoT in VirtualBox # 1

Virtualization is one of the most used methods to facilitate the compatibility of Software or simply the test of other Operating Systems, technically it is an operating system within another. I have tried for a long time Oracle VirtualBox is one of the most used virtualization software for x86 / amd64 architectures allowing virtualization. FreeBSD…

PDAControlMV IoT Virtual Machine

Lubuntu LTS 20.04 x64 based virtual machine (Virtualbox). contains IoT software: Arduino IDE version 1.8.13 / Boards esp8266 v2.74 / Boards esp32 v10.4 Node-RED version 1.2.7 Grafana-server version 7.3.7 Influxdb version 1.8.3 Chirpstack version 3.13.2 ESP-IDF version 4.3-dev-2586-g526f68239 MySQL version 8.0.22 Mosquitto Broken MQTT version 1.6.9 We will create tutorials to test each of the…

Bridge Wifi – Ethernet with OpenWrt on Raspberry Pi 3 B +

In this tutorial we will install OpenWrt a Linux based firmware / operating system, specifically created for personal routers. We will install OpenWrt on a Raspberry Pi 3 B + and turn it into a Wifi Ethernet bridge router.   Mount OpenWrt on microSD card Win32 Disk Imager in case of being a Windows user….