For some time we have carried out a lot of tests with the Node-RED platform. This time we will try a method for installation established on the official website, which I consider the easiest way to install this platform in Linux operating systems (Ubuntu), emphasizing in this case Raspbian OS for Raspberry Pi. Recommended Tutorials…
Category: IoT
The Internet of Things has its space of monitoring and control from the Internet
Integration http JSON Node-RED (Raspberry Pi) with PowerPDU 4C from Netio # 002
Review Gateway RAK2245 Pi HAT Ver. B (Multichannel) LoRAWAN # 6
Continuing our LoRaWAN tests, a few months ago the materials arrived to assemble my new gateway using the RAK2245 Pi HAT Module for Raspberry Pi. In previous tutorials we used the RAK833 USB / SPI. This time we will review our new RAK2245 Pi HAT module. Features Compatible with Raspberry Pi 3 Model B +…
Review PowerPDU 4C (Power Socket) Netio
Gateway RAK833 SPI/USB Raspberry Pi Connection with TTN LoRaWAN # 6
Review Module ESP8266 with 4 Relay & Node-RED from
I have seen a large number of applications of ESP8266 modules controlled loads using Reles, it would take time to really design from scratch, so thanks to I have received an ESP8266 module with 4 outputs to Relay. ESP8266 WIFI 4-Channel Relay ESP8266-01 and N76E003AT20 It uses an ESP8266-01 module additionally uses…
Review HELTEC Module (WIFI LoRa 32) 915-868Mhz for LoRaWAN #4
I have been collecting information about functional nodes for basic LoRaWAN tests for a while. This time I present the HELTEC LoRa 32 v1 Wifi module, it collects several interesting functions in IoT applications. This node is the integration of an ESP32 and a LoRa Chip SX1276 (868-915Mhz) 0.96 inch Oled screen, usb-serial converter CP2102….
Getting started, considerations and concepts LoRaWAN # 1
PDAControl has proposed to carry out tests and documentation to allow you to create your own LoRaWAN network and not fail in the attempt, before starting tests we want to analyze and make some clarifications, on basic concepts that we must take into account before starting to connect and program. In this tutorial we do…
Introduction to mDash platform for administration of IoT Devices
On this occasion I present the platform or an administration service for IoT devices called mDash, belonging to Cesanta, the creators of the IoT Mongoose Os development firmware. mDash allows firmware updates OTA (over-the-air) and remote administration, alerts and notifications, remote device control, file management with devices, all these features are for Espressif’s modules ESP32…
Integration Platform Ubidots with LOGO! Siemens using Node-RED
For some weeks I have done some tests with a LOGO! (logical module) from Siemens, for a few months I have seen that they use it in basic industrial applications, although I do not personally consider it 100% a PLC, it is easily integrated into monitoring and control applications for simple processes. You could say…